Behind Pink Orchid & Fern
I get asked, what made you come up with the name "Pink Orchid & Fern"? Have you ever heard or seen things in regards to "you are what you eat".. or nature resembles our body parts? The orchid resembles a woman's intimate part aka the vagina, and a healthy vagina should be pinkish in color... hence the "Pink Orchid" part of my name. Now a fern obviously doesn't resemble a woman's vagina, however the symbolization of the "Fern" is eternal youth, new beginnings, or even sincerity; depending on what region of the world you're in. To me, it represents all that and so much more.
Did you know that the back of certain ferns... those little brown bumps, help relieve an itch caused by stinging nettles. I know this first hand as a little girl that would run through the forest in the Pacific Northwest, wearing either shorts or dresses. Yes, I loved my "girly" items but was also a tom-boy at heart.
The personal "Fun Fact" behind Pink Orchid & Fern is me, and who I am. I was raised between two different cultures: Hawaii and Washington state. My heart has been in a constant torn of which place I can call home. I love the ocean and the warm sand, along with the vibrant colors, smells, and sounds the tropical islands provided. However, the PNW provides an array of green colorings and a lush environment of wooded areas; including so many different species of trees and plants. It would be wrong of me to pick one over the other.
Another reason (I have plenty) I am so passionate about Pink Orchid & Fern is my children, and their well-being. I have four daughters and one son, each with their own personalities. The one thing they have in common, is me. I have struggled with depression and anxiety, and they have been a witness to those horrific moments. Regardless of the "why's" of my struggles... it was there. I have fought to overcome and have found peace in making products that not only benefit me, but my children. I am very passionate about mental health, and even though you can't just take an aspirin and you're healed... you can find a healing remedy somewhere else. The organic growth within myself, blooming from the dark, and growing out of my shell is represented by both the Pink Orchid and the Fern.
I hope you enjoy our products, or are able to share with a loved one. Our soaps and oils are hand-made and picked to provide you that natural experience from the start. Please leave a comment or review, you are greatly appreciated!